All Croatia Articles

Participate in ERA/IRN RentalTracker for Q4 2023
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Companies invited to take part in anonymous survey
Easy Toolhire launches carbon offsetting
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Platform investing in new features and geographic expansion
Sinoboom hires manager for Italy and Balkans
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Daniele Lanzini appointed as part of manufacturer’s drive to establish a solid base in Italy and the Balkans
Eastern Europe ‘battered’ and ‘bruised’ by Covid-19
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Latest report from EECFA shows how east and south east have fared differently during the crisis
Riwal opens four new locations in Europe
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The new depots are in the UK, France, the Netherlands and Croatia
Good news in the Balkans
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Construction optimism in Balkan countries says EECFA, which is also less pessimistic about Russia
Eastern Europe expansion
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Bulgaria, Croatia, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia and Ukraine buoyant, but Russia and Turkey less so
South East Europe optimism
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EECFA forecasts marred by lower expectations of EU fund absorption, and only moderate optimism in east